Friday, September 08, 2006

What to do?

I have a couple of ideas for books to read, including the recommended Epstein. Who is interested?

Friday, July 28, 2006

Lettuce Brain Storm Together

Greetings Fellow Spellers,

Next semester is rapidly approaching. It is a good idea to begin thinking about ideas and events for this coming year as Chris has already mentioned.

IMPORTANT POINT: I'm sure all of us will be really busy but if we each can allocate some time consistently to the club, it will be a GREAT success. I am willing to commit 1 hour every week consistently to make sure things are running well. If we have specific projects or events to work on or promote then I certainly will do more. The point I am trying to make is that I will commit at least one hour to working on SPEL projects per week. If we have 5 people commiting 1 hour a week then that makes 5 hours being spent on SPEL. It's almost a good deal if you think about it....we get 5 hours worth of work done and only had to put in 1 hour. We all get to enjoy the benefits of each others work ideally.

Let's not forget the ultimate reason for doing this work is to have fun. Lots of it.

Other then that let's think about discussion/debate ideas, topics, speakers, theories, and anything we can add to our program this semester to make it bigger, better and uncut. (Yep kinda like the South Park Movie but, not really.)

Thank you for your attention.

BRAIN STORM GO! Indeed, Quite.



Monday, April 17, 2006


Just in....Worker Exploitation is GOOD!!!

See here.

Friday, April 07, 2006

The discussion

Join in on the discussion over here.

Global Warming...Drug Use...South Park

Thursday, March 30, 2006

End of Year

Since we are coming up on the end of the year, the discussion tends to change. We go from simple to complex as exams approach. So why not discuss more serious and difficult topics:

What is the meaning of life (beyond this of course)?

Really...why are we here, what's life all about?

It's just about enough to get anybody depressed. Maybe this will cheer you up!

Now for something completely different:

Markets for everything: here and here

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Debate III

Since I am just looking to post something. Let's talk about the recent surge in smoking bans. Or we could talk about drug legalizations. Any other ideas. I think these two would be hot topics with lots of people of each side (drugs more than smoking) and would bring in a good size crowd. As mentioned before a "living wage vs. minimum wage" or "the effects of pollution controls" would also bring in a good size crowd. Gotta love them hippies....

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Wake Co. Schools

My daughter had a letter in her bag when she came home from school today. It was from Wake Co. explaining that they want to issue bonds to pay for new schools. While government education is not the best we can do for our children (I'm such a hypocrite!) The question arises as to whether bonds are a reasonable method of paying for new schools. Discuss: